Brenda Lando

We understand that many people are ambivalent about signing up for online Spanish lessons. What if you don’t get your money’s worth?

In this article, we talk to Brenda Lando, who fell in love with Buenos Aires while studying there as a student. She knew, however, that Spanish fluency was a must if she were to return to Argentina. After working with Dynamo Spanish, Brenda quickly gained proficiency, and after a couple of months, she was comfortable having a conversation in Spanish.

Head of Small Business Sales, Scaled at Google, San Francisco

Brenda Lando
Q: Describe Dynamo Spanish in three words.

A: Nuria is patient, flexible and excellent!

Q: What made you start learning Spanish?

A: I studied in Buenos Aires in 2005, and fell in love with the city. Soon after, I decided that I wanted to transfer to Buenos Aires, and thus Spanish was a must!

Q: Why did you choose online classes over face-to-face classes?

A: Once I transferred to Mexico, I investigated other face to face teachers. None of them compared to Nuria, in terms of quality nor flexibility (nor fun!).

Q: When did you start taking Spanish classes? What was your level of Spanish before and what is it now?

A:My level prior to classes was Berlitz 0. Literally nada. Now I am a Berlitz 9.

Q: What do you like most about online classes?

A:Flexible schedule. Efficient – no travel time. Can do classes from my office during business hours.

Q: What one thing has helped the most to improve your Spanish fluency?

A: Living in a Spanish speaking country. If that’s not possible, then reading tons of Sohpie Kinsella novels & watching Sex and the City in Spanish.

Q: How many classes did it take you to feel confident having a conversation in Spanish?

A: 3-6 months @ 1x/week

Q: Do you feel that learning Spanish has helped your career?

A: For sure! I am now able to work in many of the most important developing countries on the globe. I no longer have to apologize for only speaking English. After one year in Buenos Aires, I was offered a transfer to Mexico city.

Q: Would you recommend online Spanish classes and why?

A: I’d highly recommend online classes as the baseline to learning. Feel free to layer on in-person courses, but those will be the first to get canceled and postponed for a million reasons.

Online courses are so easy, reliable, predictable, that you’ll never fall off the bandwagon.

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